Sergi Guillot
CEO, Acceso
Sergi Guillot is the happy father to three princesses and CEO of Acceso and he is passionate about the power of Communication. This is why in 2008 he decided to be part of Acceso and to drive its change toward a recognized strategic company specialized in listening to and analyzing the voice of the media and consumers to generate insights and strategies for Marketing and Communications departments.
He led the company to its current position, implementing and developing innovative solutions and impulsing its globalization in LATAM and USA. He built an international client-centric team able to offer the most innovative Data Science solutions in the Media and Consumers Intelligence market.
Sergi has consolidated his career in positions of high responsibility managing high value projects like 22@Barcelona,that raised 180 millions euros of public investment. He is an Industrial Engineer from Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain, and MBA by IESE and Columbia Business School, but also board director of AMEC, the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication, member of DIRCOM, the Spanish Association of Communication Directors, and FIBEP, the International Association of Media Intelligence Companies.
He is the author of the book Gestión de proyectos complejos (Management of complex projects) published in 2014.